Deal Sourcing Service

Get pre-vetted businesses for sale delivered to your inbox

15+ Years of Experience Sourcing Deals

Weekly Deal Flow In Your Inbox

Pre-vetted Deal Flow

Deal Flow Consultant To Answer Questions

Why should you choose us?

After reviewing thousands of off-market and brokered listings over 15+ years, we have the expertise to source deal flow and pre-vet for red flags. Our service helps you:

Save Time

We eliminate the hassle of sifting through irrelevant listings, giving you a curated list of pre-vetted deals matching your interests.

Access Exclusive Deals

Our network grants you access to on-market and off-market opportunities, expanding your potential for finding the perfect fit.

Tap into Expert Insights

Benefit from our seasoned market knowledge to make informed decisions and reduce the risks that come with acquiring a business.


Pre-Vetted Deals

Deal Flow Sourcing: $1,900 to $3,900/mo

What’s Included:

  • Each week receive a curated selection of deals that have been screened to match your investment criteria.
  • Tap into our network of on-market and off-market opportunities, expanding your potential deal flow.
  • Access to a deal flow consultant for questions

Pricing varies based on business type and criteria strictness.

Submit your business acquisition requirements via our contact form. We’ll review your request and see if it fits our services properly.

Common Questions

Who should use this service?

This service is ideal for investors and operators looking to acquire an established online business (think content websites, Amazon FBA stores, Shopify, SaaS, etc.). If you want to save time in finding the perfect fit and minimize the inherent risks in the acquisition process, this service is designed for you.

What is the turnaround time?

This is a monthly service, and you can expect results within that timeframe. Each week, you’ll receive a curated list of pre-vetted leads.

How do I get started?

The first step is to share your investment criteria with us. This includes details like your preferred business types, niches, revenue targets, and desired business age. To maximize the number of potential deals for you, we recommend keeping your criteria flexible.